Saturday, 30 June 2012

Accent UK have a table at MCMExpo Manchester on 21st July.

It's just been confirmed that we will be at the MCM Expo in Manchester on the 21st July. It'll be great to do a local Con, hope to see you there.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

2OMBIES have landed.

Well, 2OMBIES is in stores, but if you want a copy then I'd go to your local comic emporium sooner rather than later as numbers are limited.
This photo was taken in Manchester's Forbidden Planet store...
(thanks to Scott Mathieson for the photo)
I should be getting some copies myself next week, so if you're a contributor then email me your address and I'll send your contributor copy out to you as soon as I can.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

The MEGACON is coming...

A new event has been announced to take place in Carlisle on the 18th Aug. We'll be there and it looks to be shaping up into a great opportunity for comic readers in the North West to get a feel for what Cons are all about, and meet some of the creators and publishers face to face.
You can find out more on their blog and facebook group.
Looking forward to this.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

WesterNoir reviews

WesterNoir has had a great review over on Burntweiners, pop over and have a listen.
It's reviewed as part of their Indie Rack (and is No. 4), and is discussed alongside such worthy titles as 'Into The Woods' from the Small Press Big Mouth people, under a wonderful cover from Andy Bloor.
We are very grateful to podcasts like Burnt Weiners, Tales From The Parents Basement and Small Press Big Mouth for raising our profile by reviewing our books, and as Jim says on the Podcast, these podcasters are an unsung hero of the Independent Comic scene, and are appreciated.
WesterNoir has also been mentioned at  Birmingham Mail, and reviewed at

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Victoriana will be our last themed anthology for a while...

I announced this on the ''Accent UK Comics'' Facebook Group a few days ago...

'Sadly, I need to announce, I guess due to the current economic climate (which is hitting comic retailers as it is everybody else), we have been experiencing ever decreasing orders for our anthologies.
The idea of the anthologies was always to get the work of contributors as far and wide as possible, but with falling orders from stores this commitment isn't really being honoured, and so we've decided to stop publishing themed anthologies for a while.
Not an easy decision as we really enjoy pulling them together and selling them at Cons but a decision we've had to make.

So, Victoriana which is in the works, will be the last for a while which means that Vikings won't be published I'm afraid. Apologies to those with stories already in production.
This does not effect any of our other books in production, it just means that we'll be focussing more on the one shots and mini-series for a while ... and of course Thaddeus Mist which is looking jaw droppingly good'.

This move is not something that we've wanted to take, but is a reflection on the tough times we are all facing and also the success of events such as DC's 52. You just need to walk into stores around the country to see shelves packed with titles from 52, wander in a week later and you'll see that a lot of them have sold. This leaves shops with little cash to spend on books that will sit on the shelves a little longer. All understandable.
As mentioned in the Facebook posting, we will continue with the many one shots and mini-series in production, as well as the awesome Who On Earth Was Thaddeus Mist ?, with the focus on getting more readership which will then hopefully result in more interest in our other books, including anthologies.
Also, as mentioned in the KAPOW!! posting, these books do sell very well at Cons and we get plenty of customers, who have bought one before, coming up to us to buy more. We just need the retailers to stock them, if they don't then the non-convention-going-population won't see them. Hopefully smaller, cheaper, books will be more attractive and will continue to see healthy numbers through Diamond.
We are getting good interest in digital versions of our books through LUSH Comics, but as with printed copies, the percentage of cover price that actually gets back to us is not that high, and whilst this is a growing outlet for our books, it certainly is nowhere near encouraging us to replace paper with digital comics as a viable step to take.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Get WesterNoir on your iPad...

You can now download WesterNoir on your iPAD, in advance of it going into PREVIEWS.

If you like it and want the physical copy then we'll be letting you know when to pop into your comic store and ask them to order a copy ... you can get details on LUSH Comics through their website at lush-comics if you don't already have the app.